Tuesday, August 25, 2020

Who Is Michelle Ogbjmma? : Isn't The $14Million Shack Enough?

Anyone that isn't room temperature knows after 8 years of progressive liberals at the levers of power that believe they haven't been given enough respect and gifts to show their gratitude for services rendered will understand why Michelle isn't happy with her life so far.

As a result, some of those that have had access to all of the privileges' rendered to those in power still found reason to complain about the uneven system of wealth distribution for people of color even though they have received far more then many others, still found fault to show their anger by disrespecting the system most others find honorable.

She couldn't or wouldn't say the pledge and place her hand over her heart just as Barrrack did. Her anger for American civil society as founded was just too much to bear to show respect.

Even when Michelle had a ''no show'' job at a local hospital in Chicago for $300,000 she wasn't happy with her life as an American. She apparently believed she deserved more. A life lived well wasn't enough.

Maybe now that she is living in a $14 million shed in Martha's Vineyard is well deserved for having to suffer the degradation of living in the pre-Ogbjmma America and then being forced to live in the White House with a staff of 40 just didn't seem right some how. Is this all the better they can do?

So her speech at the convention last week was testament to the narrative of America as founded is racist and evil and must be remade, refocused and re-founded to better represent real people like her.

On the other hand - - we now  have Melania to show us the real America! A person of privilege but believes America is ''the shining city on the hill'' and thanks God she is living there.


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