Thursday, August 27, 2020

Life Long Terrorist, Susan Rosenberg Directs BLM : She Wants Your Money And Your Freedom!

It's the new norm. Accept the reality of progressive socialist liberal democraaats, now in bed with trained communist, taking over the levers of power. It will be so nice to know millions of citizens will vote themselves into a future poverty and failure. 

And if that's not enough self-satisfaction for their  vote, and if you complain about restrictions on your life because the new norm is centralized power who is telling you how will live and work, then you will find yourself in a reeducation camp, better known in the wider world of socialist states as a gulag, concentration camps.

The Chinese have more the a million Muslins in gulags, concentration camps, so they will a great help to the progressive democraaats in establish this form of population control. President Biden and his entire family love the Chinese.

Life is good when contemptuous ignorance is the rule of the day! So live fast and vote democraaat in November. What could go wrong!!! (By the way, where is Joe Biden?)

Ms. Rosenberg had over 750 lbs. of high explosives in her possession when captured.

She admits to being a "Professionally

trained" Marxist, as do the other founders of Black Lives Matter!

The other founders are Nwamaka Agbo, Fahad Ahmad, Shilpa Alimchandani, Saba Bireda, M. Jahi Chappell, and Gregory Hodge. All trained Marxists!

Their goal is to over throw Capitalism and our Democracy.

BLM is NOT a Civil Rights Movement!

If your Congressman and/or Senator supports or backs Black Lives Matter, they are backing our Government overthrown.

Fact checked this and it is true.

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