Friday, August 28, 2020

History Repeating It's Self : Civil Society Destined for Destruction?

 Is history repeating itself? Are we the next target for ''fundamental'' change? Why are the rioters burning and looting our businesses? is it just the equality being demand for Social justice?

What is social justice? Who tells us what that means? Why is it so few of us know what it means. All we know is those that say they are experts are actually lying to us for their own personal gain? Is it only for their own power and control over others?

Can we question such huge institutions like the NFL, The NBA or MLB that are taking a knee for what they say is social justice and we must obey their led? Are they the experts? Do they have any creditability now or did they ever? Have they been fooling us for decades that it was just all about sports? 

So many questions but so few answers.

Maybe there's something else going on here that needs our attention and soon, like right now!

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