Monday, August 24, 2020

Donald Trump's New Ad That Explains What He Did and What He Will Do again!(Video)

 Little wonder YouTube would delete this from their platform is understandable, it explains what has gone before to make America great and now what will take to make America great again after sufferings the Wuhan thing, probably just another tool for chaos and conflict from the democraaats. A fraud from the CDC and the NIH and the corruption of the ''good doctor'' Fauci! A career democraaat. 

A national criminal for what he has done to our country and is still doing!

If you would watch this and remember what has gone on for the last 4 years and not understand Donald Trump is our best hope for renewable prosperity we all enjoyed so much but now we must start again.

 But to believe the progressive socialist democraaats are the answer is to believe they really mean what they say and promise to do and that means you've been living under a rock!

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