Monday, August 24, 2020

Kamala Is Just Another "Front" For Others To Run The Show? : Think About It!

And now you know the rest of the story! And what is really neat is they believe most of the nation can't figure this out!  But the question that remains is why Kamala?

Is she the best they can come with to run the country or she to be just another ''front'' person for others that have designs on the levers of power for personal gain? And would this spell immanent disaster for individual freedom and liberty in America? The democraaats running a campaign of tyranny?

The best thing to do now is to not take a chance with promises from progressive democraaats that have a dark history of failure to deliver, vote for Donald Trump and every Republican running for office and be assured of a renewed prosperity and a chance for everyone to live in Ronald Reagan's ''shining  city on the hill''. 

It's true. The transformation is already taking place as the country is hiring again and the stock market that more the 50% of the population is involved in with their 401K's as well as most retirement programs, is now setting new records again.

What's not to like?


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