Tuesday, August 25, 2020

Mondale And Ferrero Was A losing Combo : De`ge`a Vu All Over Again?

The problem that wasn't evident back in the old days is the progressive socialist liberal democraaats now have no problem telling us who they are and what the intend to do to us. Back in Mondale's day they lied about their agenda, speaking from the shadows about their intentions and their way of life.

Now the progressives understand it's way past time to come out of the shadows and take what they believe is their  birthright, the taking the ultimate levers of power for control.

But even a larger problem for our country though is many citizens agree! They have been living in darkness, automatically voting democraaat for too long, to late to come into the light to understand all will be lost of freedom and liberty by voting the same way as before!

Truly it's time for democrats to make fundamental changes for self preservation.


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