Tuesday, August 18, 2020

The Progressive Socialists Strut On The National Stage : Convention of Ethics Corruption!

If you haven't been watching the news lately, and it would be a wise thing, still one has to know that the progressive socialsit liberal democraaats have their convention this week featuring their picks for leading our nation and the free world for the next 4 years. 

And given what we know or should know about these two, it's much more then a slow motion car wreck, it's a ''clown car accident''! The baggage of ethical corruption and a contemptuous debauchery of morality unseen in decades they bring is stunning. This nightmare is beyond what the human mind can comprehend leaving many dazed and emotionally unstable forcing many to seek a sitting position.

And yet they stand in front of the cameras smiling, hand in hand willingly portraying themselves as leaders to bring prosperity and a bright future for everyone. 

The bigotry is breath taking what these two have done  to gain this final position to take ultimate their seats at the levers of power. An absolute betrayal of our country and it's founding!


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