Monday, August 17, 2020

Biden Thought His Vice President Pick Was A Guy! : Now What!?

This is totally understandable! A lot of people make this kind of mistake all the time. Maybe not in the real world but just the same, old Joe has a lot of company so he's not alone.

Washington is full of people that have no idea what's going on in the real world, and given old Joe has been a member of that select group for more then 50 years, it isn't a stretch to understand he has a hard time coming to grips with the modern world where real people live and have to take responsibility for their own actions.

"I don' know what going here. I was looking forward to going behind the barn to show the world  just who is in charge of the tickets to get in.''

Old Joe will be fine presiding over the country as president while she burns to the gourd. He'll just think it's a renewal project or something. Or maybe a giant barbeque put on by the Chinese in his honor as leader of the free world.(The Chinese moved into the White House to help him run the country!)


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