Sunday, August 23, 2020

Hey! Where Are You Taking The Mail Boxes? : democraaats Take a Knee In Fear Again!

What could go wrong here? This called ''The Overton Window" A narrative gets started with no substance in fact which takes over an entire national collective, including the democraaat socialists politicians and their acolytes in the media screaming Trump is stealing the mail boxes to cheat to win the election in November so people can't vote by mail. 

The collective screams he is stealing all of the mail boxes so the citizens can't vote by mail. None of it is  true of curse but pay no attention to reality. These are democraaats!

(The reason why the post office is picking up old mail boxes is to refurbish and repaint them. Routine maintenance!) 

It's an absolute lie as usual by democraaats but the media loves it and used it where ever and when ever they could to cause stress and fear among the mentally challenged, that is only other democraaats that would be susceptible to such cruel lying is the target!

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