Thursday, August 20, 2020

It's called ''Snapping''!! : The Enterprise Crew Investigates the Progressive's New Realty!

The Enterprise crew takes a look back in history trying to find out why and how so many people became mentally retarded and violent back in the beginning of the twenty first century. Some experts believe it is something called "Snapping", that is when you believed something so strongly that when evidence is presented to you that you are wrong, the mind can't handle the news and so shuts out the facts, blocks the incoming information before it does irreparable damage. 

And as a result to protect itself from totally becoming dysfunctional, the brain replaces the the incoming information with alternative solutions that will bring the individual a new life in a kind of parallel universe where they don't have to cope with having to rely on actual fact based information.

If the new reality threatens the brain's ability to function as the most important part of the body for making rational decisions, The actual information is replaced with new facts manufactured by one's subconscious history to build a new reality that works to prove what is necessary for the individuals existence in the larger civil society with the manufactured realty.

The outside actual reality is of no concern. It will be like it never existed. Everything will be as before only now the individual will have a new source of information that works to support what ever they is necessary to make life what ever they want it to be.

A life of fantasies and make-believe solutions. Our streets are full of the new reality participants of hate and violence to get what they believe they lost!


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