Wednesday, August 26, 2020

What Is The Difference? : One Convention is Destruction, The Other Is Construction!

 Who knew the progressive socialist liberal convention would be so different from what we are seeing this week from the Republicans. Is it that easy to tell the difference? Of course.

One is about destruction and the other is construction. One is about hate and revenge while the other is kinship in living the American dream. One is about you didn't build that and other is about you can do what ever your personal talents will allow to do without limits.

The democraaats say they want to destory the country as founded, burning and looting her major cities and then rebuild it some how with other peoples money that doesn't exist. Or as the Republicans contend they want to go forward, rebuild on the past 4 years of success as the disaster of a false pandemic is crushed and then bring back the prosperity that everyone enjoyed and will enjoy again. 

"Make America Great Again, Again!"

Can the difference be that stark and obvious? If you watched last week and then this week as the Republicans continue to list all of the great blessings that we as Americas enjoy and that we all will have a bright future as well to rely on.

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