Thursday, June 26, 2014

Success IS Courage : Moving Beyond Self Doubt and Fear

For those of us that have even the slightest creative ability, or for that matter, in any occupation that demands daily decisions to build a business or product, and similarly in sports where you never seem to understand what your real capabilities are because of self doubt and fear of failure, are a constant nagging block to real achievement and success.

You are always on the edge of doing great things but even though you have the talent and courage to move forward, you always leave something on the table because you don't trust your instincts to go all out, exposing yourself to possible failure and criticism.

When it's time to go all out, pushing beyond that familiar blocking wall of doubt, some of us can not make the final effort to crush the doubt, while others hurdle the wall to excellence and success.

The positive aspect of all this is we are aware of the wall and strive to move beyond and over this crippling self doubt of we are and what we are capable of accomplishing.

The fight never ends, we always believe we will make that leap tomorrow. But don't holding back, tomorrow might be too late, do it now.

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