Thursday, June 26, 2014

Climate Chager's Ideology : Decades of Misinformation, Intimidation and Fear

The people that are sitting in the front pew of the church of progressive socialism are sitting side by side with the environmentalists that claim we are all going to die if we don't make radical changes to how we live our lives. To these people this isn't taken lightly, they are extremely serious in their demands for the population to conform.

But as with any religion that demands conformity to their particular ideology and agenda for curing a certain ill that goes beyond and self doubt or logic, let alone common sense, it become clear the church goers of this particular religion are not open to debate, you have to do what we say and do it now or they will attacked you as impure and seek your demise.

If you know the definition of insanity, it fits perfectly the changers and warmers for the attending church members. Doing the same thing over and over again but expecting differently results.

For decades now, the church members have told us the same story over and over again but the world has not burned up or flooded over. There haven't been any disastrous consequences for not conforming. But now they are trotting out it's the same story and the warnings are for the same forth coming calamity. What's changed?

The biggest change is the progressive socialist liberal democrats that are in power and believe they have a mandate to save us all from our selves, and that they have a dynamic church leader in Mr Obama. They also believe they have the population against the ropes, the people are confused, which means they have to attack while the can. Once the power in Washington changes, all will be lost.

You have to understand, this is the politics of fear and intimidation to gain power, this is the tyranny of the few, nothing else.

Climate Change is Risky Business
By Chris Orr, Editor of Weather Trader

I have a newspaper article from 1984 headlined, “Predicted cooling trend would have major impact on agriculture.” The peak of the cold cycle was predicted to be 2010.

How did that work out? Well, not quite how it was expected.

Today, we have “Risky Business,” which is billed as a new bi-partisan report that follows the same theme but assumes a hotter planet. The authors say we can expect billions of dollars in property damage from extreme storms, that farmers will lose billions of dollars in unrealized harvests and that we’re all going to suffer through hotter summers, colder winters, floods and droughts.

Unless … we scrub more carbon emissions from the atmosphere. But it is a long stretch to go from environmentalism to battling the forces of climate.
There’s no doubt that pollution is irresponsible and we need to be good stewards of the land. Developing renewable energy is also a noble effort and much more needs to be done to promote it. However, the premise that we can actually fight the earth’s ever-changing, often violent weather and climate is a fool’s errand.

I have solutions to offer you, but first a little backstory.

Anthropological global warming (AGW) proponents quickly became such a strong force in the late 1990s that any scientist who questioned it was muzzled. For several years a scientist whose work did not support AGW couldn’t get a research paper published. Some peer-reviewed research from scientists who are not AGW-biased is now being published because scientists, notably the Certified Consulting Meteorologist community, pushed back against AGW.

Still, I know I am setting myself up for potential career suicide by even writing this middle-of-the-road commentary.

“Risky Business,” released by NextGen Climate on Tuesday, says that annual property losses from coastal storms will reach $35 billion, crop yields will decline 14% and heat waves will cost consumers $12 billion a year over the next 25 years.

But NextGen Climate is hardly as bipartisan as they claim, “exposing those who deny reality” — which is presumably global warming.

Don’t get me wrong. A future filled with tornadoes, hurricanes and living on a sizzling drought-stricken planet is scary.

However, a logical thinker has to wonder how the current slow rise in global temperatures meshes with the prediction of a rapidly-warming planet. A logical thinker has to raise an eyebrow at President Obama saying we should expect more severe and cold winters because of global warming.

AGW is now called climate change because the planet is not warming as fast as climate models predict. The term “climate change” works because it feeds on our fears of an unknown future – and lets Obama get away with asinine comments like the one above.

Unfortunately, people are confused about the difference between weather and climate. Climate is weather averaged over decades or centuries and is also referred to as the statistical probability of weather events – like how often floods occur. Hurricane Sandy was a weather event that struck an area with the most climatic conclusion possible. Had Sandy stayed offshore, nobody would have cared. But because it hit land it has become the poster child of climate change.

Yet, even government researchers say there hasn’t been an increase in the number or strength of tornadoes attributable to global warming. Nor is there a connection between AGW, hurricane strength and the number of hurricanes striking land.

Coinciding with the release of Tuesday’s report, President Barack Obama is meeting with leaders of the insurance industry and with conservationists. White House adviser John Podesta says there is a “zero-percent” chance of Congress blocking the President’s agenda, which will include sweeping EPA rules on industry.

Solutions You Can Handle

There’s nothing wrong with saving the environment, but the Administration wants to go much further than that.

But while saving the masses from climate change appears to be a noble endeavor, it is in fact quite quixotic.

AGW is falling apart at the seams. Global temperatures have nearly flat-lined since 1998. Global sea-ice is at its highest level since before 2006. Antarctic ice in the modern day is near record levels. And, the government has resorted to modifying weather records for the Dust Bowl era so it does not appear to be as hot as it was so current temperatures will appear warmer in relation.

Climate change is a reality. There’s no need to manipulate the data. Climate is always in a state of flux.

I promised solutions, so here they are. If hurricanes are too risky for your taste, don’t live near the coast. Don’t build a home or business in a flood plain. If you’re a farmer, don’t grow crops in semi-arid climates. And if you don’t like cold weather, move to a warmer climate.

These solutions are a lot less expensive than whatever the government is trying to come up with.
There’s a silver lining in every cloud,

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