Sunday, June 29, 2014

Send In the Clowns : Humor Lost to Compliance (Video)

Here is a short video that you might not have seen but points out a fact that many among us seem to have lost or never had in the first place, a sense of humor.

Tale a few minutes to watch Frank Sinatra sign 'Send in the Clowns' while a litany of decades past comedians scrolls by revealing how our past entertainment brought smiles to our faces, even when the situations around the world were grim.

Now there doesn't seem to have a place for humor where just a laugh out loud was good therapy that brought some relief from the stress of our everyday troubles. No, 'situation comedies' are not enough as we have become so scenical regarding our new lives and how we fit into the new norm of
compliance for everything that's demanded of us from our supposed betters.

Take a break for a minute to try and understand what went on in past decades and how we have lost that inner ability to allow ourselves relief from the modern way of life where everything is gauged in how what happens to us will effect me in some negative way and how I can hurt them for making me feel disadvantaged.

Goodness, what is going on these days to make us all feel so stressed and marginalized?

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