Sunday, June 22, 2014

Progressives Surprised : The people NOT Ready to Be Enslaved

Even the most dim among us would be able to understand what will happen around the world when it was announced the United States will no longer concern itself with world wide conflicts.

Similarly, when leadership in a like manner to foreign policy it retreats from common sense and responsibility to the nation begins a campaign to "Fundamentally change our country" from a federation to a progressive socialist liberal regime based on an ideology that believes all of society must adhere to the control and demands of the state.

And then when the people do not bend the knee to those in power, the progressive socialists that illegally pull back freedom and prosperity through Unconstitutional regulations and policy are surprised when the general public pushes back.

Are they just surprised that the people are not as stupid as they thought, or is the leadership of the progressive socialist democrat party so far out of touch with reality that it doesn't have the capacity to understand the people are not ready to be enslaved?

Maybe the progressive have been singing in the choir for so long that they haven't noticed that he pews in the church of progressive socialism are beginning to empty.

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