Sunday, September 04, 2022

The Sound and The Fury! : Unchecked rage Where Democracy Died!!!

Okay, as usual the play book is still being used just as it has been for decades, when they called Republicans Nazis, it's exactly what they are doing themselves. This is found in everything they do to gain power over others.

So, this is where Democracy is pounced dead! (Remember how the democraaats used the tagline, ''Democracy dies in darkness'' over and over again to explain Donald Trump and his 75 million MAGA supports?)

Where do the Marxist democraaats go from here?? Do the means justify the ends no matter how corrupt and catastrophic the results? Of course, they are democraaats and they cannot change, evil behavior is a way of life especially when they see themselves losing their birthright, the power for control!!!

The rage of a truly mad man flailing in the
darkness because he is mentally blind and
morally corrupt!!

Both are examples of a need for control of
others and by any means necessary!

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