Thursday, September 29, 2022

Exactly Who Voted for Marxist democraaats to Destroy Our Country? Is There Any Remorse?

 Remember, the election was a fraud from the very b beginning. No sane person would vote for someone, for the most part never left the house. He was absent on the road around the country, many people didn't even know what he looked like let alone listen to him stumble reading from the teleprompter and squint at them on television. Yet they say he got more votes than Trump?

The voter fraud was rampant and pervasive in all of the battle ground states as multiple videos and thousands of people signing affidavits' explaining what they saw firsthand how the vote was stolen.

And yet all of the ''facts'' that prove the system failed the voters was clearly visible. Those in control of the justice system said ''nothing to see here! All is well and correct!!''

Joe Biiyden is the poster boy for people that dream of being
someone they are not and never would be!

Joe always had fevered dreams of being on the top step of the
podium. He loved to stand at the mic in the Senate expounding
complete nonsense and then laughing about later on the train
with his friends going back home to Delaware. Joe believed
he was a hero. His friends thought he was just an old fool!

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