Friday, September 09, 2022

No ''Reasonable prosecutor would Indict Her'' For Crimies Against the State

 The system is in need of drastic change. The way it is now only one side has ''standing'', all others must accept the outcomes according to those in power. The system is only as good as those that have the power to control all outcomes! If criminals are in charge, the outcomes are assured to be criminal biased as well.

It does seem strange that the majority of the population under the protection of our Constitution would allow this to continue without demanding ''equal justice under the law'' that the Marxist socialist democraaats are always raging about on television. (Remember Hillary to this day refuses to accept that she lost the election in 2016 only because she was cheated out of her birthright to power by Republicans.)

The law must prevail for all members of society, equal justice
under the law is the main screed from those that use the law
as a tool to gain and keep power for themselves.

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