Thursday, September 08, 2022

Germany laughted At Trump(At The UN) While Telling The Germans To Wake Up!

 The ''orange man'' told the truth as he did his entire presidency on just how they were at risk for being without good energy recourses.  And why the Marxist democraaats hate him with so much rage!

The sun doesn't shine much in the winter! What fools they are. How easy it was to make them believe it was the right thing to do. No fossil energy and no nuclear power! Just solar panels and wind turbines!!!

Gosh, it must really feel good to be so right and pure of thought. The Climate Change strategy forever!!!

Now not only Germany is sucking air through the pipeline,
but all of Europe is also headed for a catastrophic winter!

Remember the say, 'He who laughs last laughs best''!
Hey guys, once you get used to living in the dark and
freezing, it won't be too bad!

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