Wednesday, September 21, 2022

What Is The News? : What Are The Facts? Ask The Chinese!

Who do you trust? The evidence indicates today government officials are not to be trusted at any level as they are only interested in taking power from others and then using that power to enslave the population to do their bidding.

The agenda and ideology of the newly liberated Marxist democraaats is only about getting and keeping the power for control!

America is no longer the land of the free and home of the brave but a frightening gang of corrupt and malicious thugs ready and willing to ''fundamentally change'' the country to suit their personal wants and desires for power and only the power to control others.

Just ask the Chinese how it is. They will tell you it's not so bad living in a totally control environment once you get used to it!

What exactly is the news today? It really depends on the 
source and who your trust in the media?

The government cannot be trusted to deliver the facts
concerning local or national events. They are totally interested
 in doing only what is necessary to gain ultimate power.

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