Tuesday, September 06, 2022

Who Is Ol' Joe? : Sick, Enraged and Alone!?

Who the hell is Joe Biiyden anyway? Did all those that voted for him know who is and was his whole time in the Senate? Most everyone else did but even to those of us who are paying attention see him in a new light, but still now something else has taken place forcing us understand the ol Joe is gone, replaced with the new Joe that dances to a different drummer.

Ol' Joe is mentally sicker than anyone could have imagined. Although he probably dreamed of this, shouting from a mountain top when he was riding on the train going back and forth between his basement in Delaware and his glorious place in the sun, the Senate, where he was invincible.

But now Joe moves into a darker place, higher than even in his wildest dreams but where the light doesn't shine at all. He is alone and confused and enraged as he gropes in the darkness for acceptance and accolades from his friends.

As the old addage goes if what you believe is nonsense and
no will listen to you, all that is required is to shout louder
and longer to make your point.

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