Friday, September 23, 2022

Martha's Vineyard Steps Back Into The 18th Centruy! : Where Life Began!

The New Liberated Marxist democraaat collective is now reaching for the brass ring which has eluded them for generations. They believe now is their time to renew their real position in the community of men believing they are special people who are destined to rule lesser individuals that by law must obey the law as set by them.

If the Marxist democraaats succeed in their aggressive attacks on the people who want the freedom to choose, to gain ultimate power this November, the nation will not ever be the same again. 

The government of the people and for the people will now be only a government for the ruling class like it was 200 years ago. All other must obey.

Make no mistake, they really believe this. They believe they have a birthright to power!

Kaamla has no idea what's happening as it has nothing to
do with her, she is above the law of consequences! No? Just 
ask the former mayor of FS, Willy Brown!!

There has to be a law where those of us who have more then
others must be protected from having to explain why we
are better people than all others.

So, what's left for the rich and powerful to do here but drop 
back five and punt! This makes a lot of sense given what
is at stake. Real people must not be subjected to people
that are not of the same quality and breeding! (Some 
even have a terrible smell!)

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