Monday, September 12, 2022

Even With The Most Talented Demonstration of Rage, He Still Failed The Test!

Hateful ignorance rules the day! When all you have is hateful rage, then take a stand and demonstrate what your core values are for all to see and understand! Even though you are men tall ill makes no difference to millions of voters who will dutifully vote like they always have and will do so in November, electing people who are ready, willingly or unknowingly, ready to kill the American dream.

The question that remains and frightens the average good citizen is, why? And yet the millions who will stand in line to vote to make it happen! (If the worst does happen, this might be the last chance to vote they will ever have. The HR 1 democraaat Voters Rights bill will front and center!)

And he has the best resumé of all to support his application!
A lifelong democraaat! A mentally ill child of 3 years!!

Joe told the school he was ready to perform his duty but they
rejected him for being not enraged enough!

Joe seems to not understand why he is so confused. After 36 
years in the Senate and 8 years of VP, he still finds his friends
don't think he's ready to overthrow the government in favor
of ''Joe the Conqueror' to reign forever''!

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