Monday, June 20, 2022

Why Open Borders? '' Replacement Theory'': democraaats Want More Voters!! It's Just that Simple!! (Video)

 Is this the ''Replacement Theory'' in force now at our border? Is it the true strategy of the Marxist newly liberated democraaats to establish a new voter base as the American citizens now living this nation are becoming aware of the corruption of Marxist democraaats as the enemy of the people?

And why we all see this for what it truly is, why do so many still vote for self-destruction electing and reelecting more democraaats?

This is not rocket science people! Our very existence is on the line here!! America's destruction is actually happening before our very eyes! I know so many of our citizens have never seen or confronted by people that actually want to destroy our freedom and liberty. 

We have been blessed by God Himself to allow us to live in the greatest nation on earth where all things make sense.

But now evil has penetrated our great country but many refuse to believe it can happen in America!

Again, "When confronted by insurgencies, people wait too long to recognize the danger and then are paralyzed by it!''

                                      In case you didn't know who's in charge of this committee!

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