Thursday, June 30, 2022

More Fun Then A Bike Ride for Joe? : Watching The Economy Tank!

Old Joe opines on how he single handedly has constructed a new life for all Americans. (Mostly, but not all. dah! Some people have to have more things as they are in charge!)

''What fun it is the watch the dirty and poor among us that have to scramble to have transportation and eat. Jill and I have plenty of everything of course and so do our friends in the collective! (Why do they call it a collective?) 

''Actually, I feel bad sometimes, but not too often for the underclasses for their suffering, but to get to a better place in our country, many have to suffer a little the consequences for years of being free to do whatever they wanted to do. 

''Come on man, that's crazy! People need direction from those who know better! Jeeeze!

''See, that's not how things work anymore. We all need to be more aware of the new way of things where everyone will be better off when the transition is complete. 

''Well yeah, it might take years but the end result will be fantastic, I promise!''

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