Friday, June 10, 2022

Is There A Link Between Historical Facts and Todays reality? : Or Is It Just Mental Weakness?

 Some people are just easily duped into believing they have a higher purpose in life rather than actually getting a good education that will bring success and therefore prosperity.

This explains a lot why it seems so many of the people in our government, at all levels are unbounded lunatics and are women. How come? 

Hey, they aren't born stupid but so many seem to wind up in high profile jobs that show them to be mentally deranged, if not dangerous! The worst of these is Grethen Whitmer of Michigan! Totally lost in a brain fog of self-importance and a keen desire to destroy any and all opposition by any means necessary!!

Are these just a few of last batch of women who have
an axe to grind affer make bad decisions for the future?

How about Joe Reid? A total lunatic!

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