Sunday, June 19, 2022

Ol' Joe Is Leaving The Scene Of A Disaster? : It's Called Loss of Cognition And Moral ineptitude!

Joe Biiyden is for any and all reason an outright criminal for what he and his friends have done to our great country! And the Marxist newly liberated  democraaats must be held accountable for forcing Joe's mental sickness on the rest of us by cheating in the election of 2020. They all knew about his mentally illness when they shoved him onto the ''big stage'' to run for the presidency from his basement.

''You can do it Joe - just think about all of the free ice cream!!''

The Marxist knew they could play Ol' Joe with more ''fun times'' like he had for 40 years in congress, but with a lot more power to cause even more chaos and destruction to civil society as he pushed the Marxist liberal agenda and ideology.

Oh, and let's not forget the Republicans in congress that allowed it to take place without even a stamping of their collective feet on the floor of congress!!! Who Knew?

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