Wednesday, June 29, 2022

How Does A Mentally Ill 3-Year-Old Become President? : democraaats Have A Plan For Us!!

That's easy to answer, it's when the Marxist newly liberated democraaats needed a ''front man'', a puppet dancing on a string to take the ''slings and arrows'' from the general public that see him for what he actually is designed to do, hide all those that are actually running the country and stealing our freedom and our very existence as a free nation.

The Marxist democraaats saw a good thing during the run up to the election back in 2020 that Old Joe was the perfect guy to put out front for the entire world to see as not having any mental acuity or even any basic skills to do anything other than what he is told. 

The Marxist democraaats are evil and uncompromising on what they believe and will do whatever it takes to get and keep the permanent power for total control of all outcomes. The country be dammed!

If this doesn't scare the hell out of you, then you are not living
in the real world.

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