Saturday, June 11, 2022

''Monkey Pox'' Variant Is Here Already?: ''The Fau Ci'' Recommends 15 day shut down!!?? (Yeah Right!)

 Read this 15-day shut down as a 5-month shut down, opening again in the second week in November! 

They think with the ''Pox'' and the 3 convid variants that will surface between now and November will be enough to drive a lot of people away from their senses, be more then willing to obey ''The Fau Ci'' and the other mad lunatics in our present government.

The Fau Ci and other lunatic experts in government, and the media believe that forcing the people to believe these fascist government experts will be enough to convince citizens they are actually concerned about the peoples safety, not trying to steal another election.

RUN!! It's the Pox!! Oh wait, bad news! We see two more
covid variants this month and maybe tree more this summer!
Masks on in triplet and face shields 24/7, gloves and long
sleeved shirts if you want to live to see next month or even
or even next wee! Yikes!!

Hey, I just saw these guys on Tuckers show! Now they are gone?

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