Friday, April 08, 2022

April 1st Has Come And Gone : Only The Fools Remain!!

 Once being a lifelong government criminal, robbing the citizen blind, it's impossible to change your ways just by saying ''I'm going to ''build back our country better''! The majority of citizens knew better then to believe these monsters of corruption, but the criminals worked they magic and stole the elections from the people!

The reality of course is our country was better and growing like never before. Now our country after only 15 months, America has been nearly destroyed by chaos and conflict with the terror with their Marxist socialist ideology.

But Joe and the Marxist democraaats decided they have to tear down our country better then every before just because they don't have any idea of how to make things better. The only thing they have to contribute is what they always deliver, abject failure.

If only the fools had moved on as well! But, no, they have no
where else to go but back to what they do best,
destroying the country with chaos and conflict! Robbing the 
citizens of everything they have including the people's freedom and 

A close relative of Baidens made a statement concerning
Joe's ability to function as a normal working-class citizen
 after his 50 years as a government employee. ''I witnessed
over the years Joe's inability to do anything of significance in
 congress and therefore certainly makes the case for Joe to retire
away from the bright lights of public employment''!

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