Thursday, January 06, 2022

The Marxist Liberated democraaats Are Dangerous! : Taxes To Crush Civil Soceity! But Why?

What is the point to rase taxes to crush everyone?? I think everyone is aware of our friends, neighbors and relatives who said they hated Trump's ''Mean Tweets''! Right? The question that remains is why did they read them in the first place if they were so upsetting?  

Did someone tell them the tweets were mean or were they just retaliation from the Marxist democraaats who attacked him? What tis the plan from the Marxist democraaats to make our lives better under the control of Marxist democraaats rather than what we had with Donald Trump! 

Why not just move on to something else on Twitter that they like! What did he do for everyone in the country that made their lives better?

You have to know a relative that previously was sane
and fun to be with, but after they watched CNN became
mentally ill and insane brain-dead mutants.

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