Monday, January 17, 2022

HR1 ''Voter Rights'' Bill For ''Fundamental Change'' : Voting Is Out Dated! ''Trust Us'' Say democraaats!!

Just imagine the federal government in total control of all elections given what everyone knows the results of other government operations and the results, The HR1 bill is all about taking voting out of the hands of the population, the people. No longer one person, one vote. Now it would be Marxist democraaat operatives doing the voting and then counting.

Joseph Stalin said it best and the democraaat are believers, ''It's not the people who vote that count, it's the people who count the votes''. Wonder no longer why the democraaats love this guy!

 If anything can be good about the HR1 bill it will be the Marxist Liberated democraaat Collective is no longer hiding its true agenda and ideology, they are truly communists who seek only the power for control of all outcomes of the population! 

Only one rule can survive, everyone must obey what is understood by those at the levers of power to be the only sauce of authority.

Who else would believe that mothers and fathers who see their
children being taught communist ideology as domestic terrorists and
a threat to their children and to themselves.
The DOJ believes they are a national security risk
and reports them to the FBI for investigation.

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