Tuesday, January 11, 2022

A Problem That Occurs When Charging Your Car : Yikes!(Video)

This has been around for a while but still we should all be reminded there are some draw backs to electric cars. I believe this illustration is antidotal but still a good reminder how nothing is without problems.

 Another one is if the Marxist democraaats have their way demanding all fossil fuels be gone by 235, it seems likely the electracy needed to heat our homes, cook our food and then charge our cars will be a problem.

The demand for electracy grows by more the 8% a year and that more than 40% of all electircy alone is generated by coal, which the communist what gone by 2030. 

Quite amazing do ya think? Global warming, climate change is so important we all need to restrict ourselves to living without enough food or transpiration needs, and if that's not enough keeping ourselves from freezing to death the winter or roasting to death in the summer. 

But as the liberated Marxist democraaats say ''we all have to sacrifice something to save the planet!''

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