Friday, January 14, 2022

Chicago Headed To Break New Ground : It's Wrose Then Anyone Could Have Imagine!

 The plan to take power is working as designed for the ''New Liberated Marxist democraaat Collective''. Destroy as much of civil society as they can and then with total power over all aspects of our lives demand obedience to the new norm of who is in control and who must comply or die.

Then there this, who voted for this and do they understand the consequences of that vote? dah! democraaats have no idea what they voted for a long as they comply with their friends who also voted to become enslaved. democraaats are not happy unless someone has their boot on their throats!

It's just what they do! They know no other way!

Chicago is the poster child for corruption and total destruction
of civil society. Hate for the people and for themselves
drives them steal and destroy everything of worth to gain the
power for total control.

The democraaat plan is working as designed!

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