Friday, January 28, 2022

Wait For It!! Fau Ci Says Variant 6 To Arrive October 2022! : Booster 13 Will Fix It!!

The pandemic is and was a fraud from the beginning. A political tool for control. It's just now as the polls today are showing the Marxist democraaats are losing on all fronts they are ramping up the hate machines to compensate for their lack of ethics or moral common sense!

 So, they are pushing as many voters as possible right now back into their hall closets wearing 4 masks and a HAZMAT suit and demanding they stay there until November 8th! Some voters are so fearful now they are having oxygen tanks brought into their closets to have clean air to breath.

If you come out for any other reason other than to eat or nature calls, you will die a terrible death and probably infect others killing your entire family as well.

You can believe this as it comes from the top expert in our government, The Fau Ci!!

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