Friday, January 14, 2022

Why Does Joe Biiyden Wear A Mask Walking His Dog? ; And At The Beach!!??

 Joe Biiyden is mentally sick with advance dementia!! This makes his lifelong career as a political criminal much worse as most democraaats just appear to be the same way on a regular basis. Joe hates the people just like all of the other Marxist democraaats in our government.

But Ol' Joe understands how the system works and he will not vary from the narrative. This is what has kept him from being thrown under the bus by his own people who know him best during his time stealing from taxpayer and taking bribes from the Chinese while in congress and as vice president and now is still carrying the water for the Chinese.

The man is without a soul which means he has no ethics in his duties or moral standards to guide him other than to take whatever he wants without any question or cause for regret. 

Maybe some regret if he couldn't steal enough and betray enough of everything that is scared to the nation, that isn't nailed down around the world and some that is. Just ask the people of Ukraine and many other nations where Hunter Biiyden has stollen them blind and then had to hand over to Joe his share of the theft.

 The oath he took in congress and as president to provide leadership in the traditions of our founding 250 years ago, is worthless for Joe as he never believed in anything other than what he could take from others in the best Marist democraaat traditions.

But hey, Joe is no different than all of the other Marxist democraaats now in congress that voted in lockstep to end our voting rights for ever with the HR1, the ''voting rights bill''. Who knew????

The old fool was pick to lead the Marist Collective because 
he is exactly that, an old mentally sick fool!

Keeping the old fool on a short leash isn't enough to stop
a stumble-bumb 50-year criminal democraaat from causing
irreputable damage for generations to come!!
But pay no attention to this, always vote democraaat!!

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