Monday, January 17, 2022

Joe Has A Plan For America! : Take What Ever You Need or Want! It's Free!

Ever wolnd why the democraaats are engagued in ''Smash and Grab''?  Joes lived his entiere life that way! If Joe can do it why not everyone else?

Joe Biiyden has never had a plan for Amecia to be a better place to live and work. He knew from the beginning what he needed to do to get rich. His plan he formulated was for what America could give him just for existing. The rest he would take from around the world. WOW!! What a country! What a life!!

But that wasn't enough. He knew he would have to steal the real money he needed to live the life stress free like he always envisioned he would.

So, driving us all into poverty and enslaving the population while stealing everyone blind has worked perfectly for the last 50 years in his government employment. Why stop now? No one cared then! What a country!! 

Rich is good!

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