Sunday, March 28, 2021

Trump's Children In Barrrack's Cages? (Nah) : It's Ol' Joe's ''Child Development Centers?''

What the situation looks like is a little of both. The kids are coming at a rate well beyond anything we have ever seen in the past, but it's not by accident, this was planned and now executed. 

The plan is to overwhelm the system flooding the country with people that need a lot of help, people that don't speak English and are in need of medical help, basic education, housing and financial support. Millions this year and millions more next year.

And rest assured the media will begin to blame Biden as not being on top of the situation even though ti was the progressive democraaat plan from the beginning to open the border. Biden will be shown as unable to stop the flow of illegal aliens flooding across the border, destory America health care system and schools. The cry from the media will be ''He must go!''

Not only do the progressive Marxists get to take control of the country with unlimited voters but also at the same time get rid of their front man and replace him with someone even more controllable. 

And as America slipping to total chaos, the progressive socialists build higher and better fences to protect themselves from those with the pitch forks!

Who voted for his? Please stand up and cheer!

The progressive Marxists democraaats are domestic terrorists!

democraaats planned this disaster for political reasons!
Much we were played by Wuhan virus, now it's on to the
flooding of immigrates across the boarder.

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