Tuesday, March 23, 2021

Civics Lessons For The Ignorant AND '' Woke'' : Reality? Government Is Now Useless and Dangerous!

 The progressive socialist liberal Marxist democraaats have succeeded in taking control of America from the people, and now using that power to destory the very foundation of ''life ,liberty and the pursuit of happiness'' as set written in our Declaration of Independence from the tyranny from those that believed they need not listen to the people!

Sadly, the tyranny has returned to our great country who seek only to benefit themselves and the friends by forcing the people to obey rules and regulations they have devised alone with no consideration of the rule of law, the population at large, leaving everyone else to succumb to the same conditions that existed more then 240 years ago, an elite few rule by force of arms.

What is the solution? What can the 75 million people who disagreed with the outcome of the November election do that find this situation intolerable?

The government is no longer by the people or for the people!

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