Wednesday, March 31, 2021

Drug Cartel's Employee of The Year! : President of The United States! Who Knew?

Ol' Joe is living the good life with hundreds of people waiting on him day and night, all the while he's only think about how to get some more of that ice cream he had for lunch.

"But Mr president, the country is headed for more drugs and crime coming from those crossing our Sothern border driving the country out of control, what is your next move to stop the destruction?" 

"I have no intention of moving out of my house in Delaware! I like that house, been there since '66! By the way, where am I and how the hell did I get here for gods sakes! Nobody tells me anything! Just do this, do that, sign here and sign there! By the way, is what I'm doing above my paygrade? And wait a minute, what about drugs. I'm on so many drugs I can start my own pharmacy." 

(Oh and the Chinese love this guy and his family as well even though it costs them a few million a year!)

As long as ol' Joe is warm, fed and is still
getting his annual allotment from the Chinese
for services rendered, he's happy!

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