Tuesday, March 23, 2021

Crude Oil Up 50% and Gas Prices Up 30%++ : Who Voted For This? Please Explain!

Ignorance of life and living leaves big holes in common sense and logic that can't be filled with wishful thinking and promised fantasies and deception of actual reality. 

One has to wonder why so many among us live lives so lacking in the most basic rules for survival they wait anxiously for others to tell them what to do next? Chief among the problems for them is knowing what is real and what is not real. Doesn't history mean anything any more? Years of accepting failure doesn't seem to effect voting habits.

Is the habit of voting for proven failure instead of successes that are right in front of them to difficult to understand? Is failure just the way things are today, just bad habits or is it DNA?

Maybe getting Trump to stop Twitting is more important then
having a job or national security?

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