Thursday, March 18, 2021

Biden Has A Mobil Basement : It's Costly But Effective! What Press Conference? What? Where? Why?

Ol' Joe slides further and further into his old mold of 50 years of government corruption where he can do anything he wants no matter how wrong, stupid or unethical! It's just who he was but now so many things have changed leaving him wondering how it all happened and he didn't see it coming!!!

dah!! ''Where an I! What am I doing here anyway"? "Hey Nanc, is there anything else you want me to say?"

Joe wonders why I have to wait so long for my bath!

Now I'll take some questions from the press, is that okay
Nancy? ah, what am I doing here?  (I think I peed myself!?)
ZAP!! What happened to Ol' Joe???

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