Monday, March 15, 2021

The Word is Out Around The World : Immigrants Flock To Sea Ports to Board Ships for America!

The word out around the world that America's border is open to everyone no matter who or what you are. Come one come all. The crush at the sea ports is amazing as people flock in to make the journey, looking forward to a new life where everything is promised to be free. 

America's taxpayers are ready and willing to be subjected to personal destruction forking over 100's of $billions of dollars, if need be, to accommodate the needy, and even the criminals that see America easy picking now that Trump is gone. The criminals know America is now led by mentally challenged child and a bunch of communists. 

They say this is an opportunity of a life time!!

They, the American citizen will do what ever it takes to help the 10's of millions of people who know a good thing when the see it!!

When they ask you why you are here, just say Ol' Joe said ''Come on Down!!'' 

The word is out in Eastern Europe! America is here for the taking!

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