Sunday, March 08, 2020

Environmentalists Blinded By Ideology : Green Energy Will Save The Planet?

And what about Nuclear energy being on the list of banned sources of energy by the environmentalist whores? It is about the money and the power for control!

What about natural gas? Isn't it clean and plentiful? What gases are destroying mother earth now and not since the first use of fossil fuels? Hundreds of years and we are still here?? All of civilization hasn't been wiped out? How come?

The next time you have a discussion or debate without violence becoming ''the final solution'', ask the environmental fascists about nuclear energy and why it isn't a solution, and then find an Audubon  Society member and demand why they don't care if our pristine country side is littered with gigantic windmills killing Balled Eagles and destroying 100's of acres with solar panels killing small animals, frying birds in midair and small rodents of all kinds.

Remember this was the cry of the eco-fascists about drilling for fossil energy, oil and fracking providing more the 80% of the energy needed for survival in our modern world? Remember it was all about "mother earth". Now mother earth is feeling better even though her destruction is worse then with the drilling or fracking.

Hey!!!! How come??? Where is the outrage????!!!!!(Sorry, these people are making too much money from other people that are asleep at the wheel!)

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