Tuesday, March 17, 2020

Socialists Debate The Fate Of America : Run For cover!!

Who knew? Progessive socialism will make America poor again and drive her back into another default like we had for 8 years of Barrrack Ogbjmma. The demand for energy increases by more the 8% a year and it's believed that "clean energy'' (The Green New Deal), solar, wind and biofuel will not produce more then 13% of America's needs by 2030.

And with fossil fuel providing more then 40% of our energy today for production of goods and services, the democrats don't explain how their plan will work for the American dream for independent success to be realized for everyone?

The democraaats believe if the nation can be driven to it's collective knees and disarmed, the population will have no choice but beg for stuff to just survive. Of course there won't be any free stuff, only chaos and conflict.

Progressive socialism is only about the total control of all outcomes. But who cares, right? Vote democraaat! Live fast, love hard and die young!

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