Monday, March 23, 2020

The Media Is driving The Wuhan Virus Panic? : democraaats Understand The Crisis Is Useful!

The media if nothing else is about causing as much chaos and conflict as they can in a crisis. There's an election after all coming in November for the leadership of the world and the power, the progressive socialist democraaats believe to control all out comes in the country. Just like berfodre the election in 2016. So what better time then now to cause as much damage as they can to President Trump.

democraaats know to never let a crisis go to waste. Now is the time to attack and keep attacking the President and his supports especially now that they are hurting. Drive the narrative that Trump is out of control and only democraaats can fix the problems facing the country, most of which they caused in the first place.

As the progressive socialist liberal democraaat motto is ''never let a crisis go to waste'', and is front and center as much as it is now with the Wuhan virus in full bloom, they know and understand only panic and fear well remain. A winning scenario democraaats believe for taking back power.

Without the media scream of ''We are all going die'' every minute of every day. This panic would possibly have been over in a matter of weeks and not the supposed months the leadership is taking about, if even then.

But in reality, is this really about just another flu bug in a long string of flu bugs that seems to come and go every year? The biggest difference now is this is an election year and it makes sense for the progressive democraaats to make it as bad as they can even to the point of driving the entire country into economic default.

Can this really be true? Would they willingly and knowingly work to destory the country just to gain back what the progressive socialist democraaats believe is their ''birthright'' power of control?? dah!

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