Thursday, March 19, 2020

Republicans In Name Only - RINO's : The Swamp Lives in Darkness!

To have a progressive socialist that is mentally sliding into a fantasy land someplace unknown to others, as their candidate makes good sense as this is the history of democraaats. It's not about the country, it's always the agenda and the ideology.

Understandably, the RINOs will have a problem with Ol' Joe but given their agility to ''bait and switch'' quicker then most of us, the problem will be solved if Ol' Joe is elected. 

At least then they will have the satisfaction knowing that the monster in the White House now will be gone. Sure, the country will suffer and maybe even go into default or worse, but for the RINO's believe America becoming a burned out husk is acceptable! They hate Donald Trump!

Old habits die with a scream and not a whimper!

(Hey Bill Kristol, you have to agree, right? Ignorance and hate is so rewarding)

The question that remains is, why is it so important to the RINO's
to destory Donald Trump and the country?

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