Monday, March 16, 2020

Buying Toilet Paper By The Hundreds : democraaats Under Stress!

I just knew there had to be a good reason for people buying toilet paper like they have, twenty rolls at a time.  It all boils down to not just the Wuhan virus, but the democraaats understand what and who their candidate for president really and truly is, but this has everything to do with having to make the decision of voting for democraaats or stay home.

Voting for Donald Trump is out of the question. It has become very clear for democraaats, voting for success after so many years of voting for more and more failure just cannot happen. Most progressive socialist liberal democraaats would rather live in a card board box and eat out of a dumpster behind the local Denny's then vote Republican that would bring them success in their lives.

 It is, after all, a DNA thing for democraaats! It's in their blood to accept failure as a way of life. They are submerged in it! They are committed like death and taxes. Always vote democraaat even if it means losing everything that matters to you and your family. Yeah, I know, very strange and frightening.

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