Monday, March 16, 2020

Ol' Joe Explains Leadership : "It's Not That Hard - Ah, Why Am I Here?"

Biden believes he has the right stuff to tame the adversaries of America no matter where they lurk! 'Show me a problem and I will fix it. See how easy it is?' 'Ya know, after 50 years of living in the town, I still need someone to show me the way home. I don't understand it? Hey, what street did you say I lived on?'

Ol' Joe moves to the beat of a different drummer. Fighting his way through arrests over seas and doing battle with a black adversary with chains and fists. And not to mention taking on the President of The Untied States in a fist fight behind the barn! 

Tough guy from the beginning! His biggest problem though is not fist fights foreign entanglements, but finding out where he is and why he is here? Once he has this solved, look out, solution for tough problems are on the way.

There are so many problems in our country it will take someone 
like me with 50 years in Washington to make sense
of it all even if I still get lost when I step out the door!

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