Monday, March 16, 2020

Progressive Activiists Are Found Wanting : What Happened to The Narrative?

Exactly what is going on in the households of most democraaats would be something of interest to Hollywood producers to start a series for television. Here are a few suggestions for a series headline:

Why did these people buy so much toilet paper? "What do real democraaats do when stress levels in their house holds become all consuming'?

What and who are these people down the street? "Times and lives of failed people living next you?"

We think people will want to know, "What is it like when everything you believe to be true is actually a lie?"

Then there is this one that was near the top of the list : "We ask the question, 'Why are you still here given your medical condition?"

Well, that's just a few but in the near future it seems likely Hollywood won't take our suggestion as many of the people in power in Hollywood are victims of the own failures. Who knew?

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